Use a coupon code

Coupon or discounts codes can be used at Checkout time in our shop.

Add a coupon code

After you add items to your cart:
  1. At the bottom of the Cart screen, look for "Coupon" section.
  2. Enter your code.
  3. Click or tap Apply Coupon. If you added a new address, credit card, or email address, the page might reload. If this happens, enter the details again.
  4. Complete your purchase.
If you have a coupon code in an email:
  1. Click or tap the link in the email.
  2. Add the product to your shopping cart.
  3. At checkout, you’ll see the code applied.
  4. Complete your purchase.

Trouble redeeming a coupon code

Choose the error message you’re seeing.
  • "The code you entered has expired." or "Code expired." - Expired coupons can’t be used. You can find more information in the promotion terms.
  • "Invalid code." or "Code doesn't exist." - Make sure you entered the code correctly and try again.
  • "The code you entered has already been redeemed." or "Code already redeemed." - Coupon code was already redeemed. Some coupons have a limited use count.
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